Search results

  1. N

    What Retro Handheld has the best software?

    I do not mind a bit of up front tinkering but so far I seem to have spent more time for example on the Retroid Pocket tinkering. Retroarch is not terrible but I keep hitting niggles e.g. added a load of games as a favourite (tested them first) but when I go back to play a lot of them I either...
  2. N

    What Retro Handheld has the best software?

    I currently have the Retroid Pocket 2, RG300 and RG350m (selling the 350) but have not been totally taken with the software on any of them. Retroid Pocket 2 - Not a fan of Retroarch and have hit constant issues with controller mappings and roms stopping working and it crashing. I kind of...
  3. N

    350m - Have to say I think I prefer the rg300

    I think actually that I prefer the software experience on the RG300 but actually both are quite clunky, think my kids would struggle to figure out that they need to open X obscurely named emulator and then go find the rom in the file system to play Y game.
  4. N

    350m - Have to say I think I prefer the rg300

    In for a penny in for a pound, after enjoying the rg300 I decided to pick up a 350m. I have to say I am a little disappointed, having tried both stock and rogue I think I might actually prefer the rg300 with retrofw overall, at least for older stuff. Neither of them quite offer the seamless...
  5. N

    RG300 Custom Firmware v271019

    Vice for C64, Game Gear/Master System, Stella, UAE4ALL
  6. N

    Custom Firmware 2.2 cannot add OPK files - Unsuppported Format

    Thanks, I guess the opks were probably 350 not 300. I'll check out those links
  7. N

    Custom Firmware 2.2 cannot add OPK files - Unsuppported Format

    Has anybody managed to add a new OPK beyond the ones bundled with CGW 2.2? I have tried to add amongst others vice (C64), uae4all, genplus, genplusgx and mame4all and for every one I get an unsupported format error. Am I missing a trick here?
  8. N

    RG300 Custom Firmware v271019

    Has anybody managed to install other emulators on CFW 2.2? I have tried and failed to install one for Master System/Game Gear, C64 (Vice) and just get an unsupported message and they do not install.