Whether you’re a retro games fanboy/girl or you’re just looking for that nostalgia trip but you aren’t sure where to start, we are here to help you with suggestions of 5 games to play off of the original PlayStation that we enjoyed back in the day, as well as even more now that we have them on the RG353P!
Puño de Hierro (también conocido como Tekken)

The game that started it all in the Tekken franchise, Iron Fist is still an amazing game for those who want to experience the thrill of fighting games coupled with heavy nostalgia goggles. With 8 characters to choose from all with their own fighting styles and Sub bosses when you take them into story mode. Despite the small cast there is still hours of fun to be had with this game, and with the RG353P retro gaming console you can have it in the palm of your hand!
La aventura de Contra
Este juego es menos conocido, pero The Contra Adventure sigue siendo un éxito en lo que respecta a los primeros juegos de la ps1. Fue lanzado en 1998 y, aunque no tuvo las mejores críticas, seguimos pensando que es un gran juego si quieres divertirte con disparos de ciencia ficción sin sentido. Es una fantástica máquina de perder el tiempo y tiene múltiples tipos de armas, niveles, enemigos y jefes para abrirse camino a tiros.
Hércules de Disney
For those of you looking for a real nostalgia trip, Disney’s Hercules follows the same famous story as the from the animated film. Hercules, the son of Zeus, is stripped of his godhood and must prove he is a hero to regain it. To do this, you have to pass many different tasks and defeat many different Greek mythological bosses. Like the minotaur, gorgon and hades. We like this game as when it comes to the boss fights most of them cannot be defeated by conventional fighting. It requires more thought by performing special actions to win the day! So if you like classic Disney and Greek mythology, definitely give this one a try on the RG353P retro gaming console!
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot es un videojuego de plataformas de 1996 desarrollado por naughty dog para la PlayStation. Es un juego en el que controlas al personaje principal Crash. Tienes la tarea de atravesar 32 niveles para derrotar al villano principal, el Dr. Neo Cortex, y rescatar a Tawna, la novia de Crash. El juego es en 3ª persona, y el objetivo es llegar al final del nivel sin perder todas tus vidas, repartidas por el nivel hay cajas que puedes romper para obtener diversos efectos. Cualquier cosa, desde una vida extra hasta la invencibilidad completa. Crash Bandicoot ha sido un elemento básico en la industria de los videojuegos, así que si te apetece jugar al juego que lo inició todo, ¡consúltalo!
Mega Man X5
Mega man X5 is a very good game for its time it goes on to expand on the gameplay engine of the previous game. Like before, the player can choose to play through the game as either X or Zero, traversing through perilous terrain and defeating a legion of enemies along the way with a variety of weapons. There are eight bosses in total as well with names that funnily enough reference to the rock band Guns N Roses. Mega Man X5 was met with generally positive reviews, with most of the praise going for the graphics, gameplay and soundtrack. This is a great game to play on the RG353P retro gaming console!
These are only a few of the thousands of games that are on the PlayStation. Many of which can be found on the RG353P. This means you can happily play many PlayStation games any time and at your fingertips! If you wish to check out the RG353P review click here! Getting the PlayStation and games associated with it these days is like looking for a needle in a haystack but the RG353P is always here! You can buy the RG353P here.