First, please e-mail us. Send a message to explaining what you would like done to your device, including your original eBay, Amazon or order ID.
Assuming we’re happy to have a look at it for you, we’ll let you know if we need the power adapter as well, or just the DroiX® device.
If you pack the device in a small Jiffy bag and carefully fold & flatten it, (see the images linked to below) then iMX6 sized devices will be categorized as a Large Letter under 300g and, for the Royal Mail 1st Class Signed service, should cost around £2.50 (obviously this varies from one model to another, as the size and weight does too). Other sized devices will be classed as a parcel and cost £4.30 .

Please post it to the address we’ll supply when you e-mail us.
Include the following information in the envelope:
- direct customers: The six digit order code and e-mail address you used with our site
- Amazon Customers: The order ID (17 digits long, for example 321-4567890-8765432) and your Amazon account-registered e-mail address
- eBay Customers: The transaction ID (25 digits long, for example 234567890123-8765432109876) and your eBay user ID
- Your full name
- Your full address including postcode
- A brief description of the problem or the reason for returning it
Please ensure that you have included all of the above information as failure to do so will result in unnecessary delays and it will take longer to resolve your request.
Note we recommend you use Royal Mail’s First Class Signed For service, due to it being a relatively cheap and reliable service (if an untracked parcel is not delivered, it remains your responsibility).
Once you have posted your item, please send us the Royal Mail tracking number (look for a line with “Receipt #” printed on your slip of paper from the Post Office).
This ensures that both you and we can keep track of your return and it is less likely to get lost in the post.