Ar kada nors norėjote sužinoti, kaip atrodo GPD WIN 4 vidus? Prisijunkite prie mūsų, nes mes išardome vieną!
Viskas, ką reikia žinoti apie GPD P4 MAX, įskaitant technines specifikacijas, išleidimo datą ir kainą.
Viskas, ką reikia žinoti apie GPD Pocket 4
Apžvelgiame keletą populiarių ir neseniai pasirodžiusių GPD WIN 4 žaidimų, veikiančių nešiojamajame žaidimų kompiuteryje, kad pamatytume, kaip gerai jie veikia.
We explain why mini PC's can get warm, what their maximum operating temperature is and tips for how you can help keep your mini PC cool.
Šie rezultatai gali jus nustebinti! Lygindami "AYANEO Air" su 2021 m. ir "Retro Power" modeliais lyginame ir tikriname akumuliatoriaus veikimo trukmę.
We take a look at the top 5 upcoming mini PC's for your desktops in 2022. From work to gaming mini PC from Minisforum, Intel AMD and more!
Which is your choice? We take a look at the top 5 upcoming PC gaming handhelds featuring GPD, AYA NEO, AOKZOE and AYN.
We decided on 5 very good PlayStation games to play on the RG353P! From fighting games to games about mythology!
We were playing on the RG353P, and here are our opinions on the top 5 Mega Drive/Genesis games from blue hedgehogs to space fighting!
We explore the history of the PC Engine retro console then look at a modern way to play them with the RG351V from Anbernic
We take a look at the classic PSP and its games and match it with a modern way to play those retro games while on the go with the GPD XP.
We take a look back at the SEGA Dreamcast and explore new ways to play Dreamcast games on the RG552 retro gaming handheld from Anbernic.
In this Retro / Present article we take a look back at the Neo Geo Pocket Color retro console and pair it with the RG351MP from Anbernic.
We try the HP Reverb G2 on ONEXPLAYER Mini with a GeForce 3070Ti eGPU with a bunch of games including Superhot VR and Half Life Alyx.
We test the Controller Service for AYA NEO gaming handhelds that supports motion controls via the built in 6-axis gyroscope/accelerometer.
We take a look at the AOSP custom firmware for the RG552 and how it can elevate your retro gaming handheld experience to the next level.
We benchmark and compare all of the AYA NEO, GPD & ONEXPLAYER handheld gaming PC to see how they perform at different TDP's.
Will it work? Can we get the AMD AYA NEO Pro working with an external GPU? We try connecting a GeForce 3070Ti to this Windows gaming handheld